Here are a few more random pictures I've taken in the past couple months:
This was taken down the block from my place of employment one morning. The bus used to get me there too early, so I'd have to find a way to occupy my time.
This is from our first hike in Topanga Canyon, shot on one of those little iZone miniature Polaroid cameras.
Taken during a "Grilled Cheese Eating Contest" on Venice Beach. My neighbor heard all this commotion, and went down to find grown people stuffing their faces with soggy bread and processed cheese food.
This was taken down the block from my place of employment one morning. The bus used to get me there too early, so I'd have to find a way to occupy my time.
This is from our first hike in Topanga Canyon, shot on one of those little iZone miniature Polaroid cameras.
Taken during a "Grilled Cheese Eating Contest" on Venice Beach. My neighbor heard all this commotion, and went down to find grown people stuffing their faces with soggy bread and processed cheese food.
I went to Topanga too!
My pics are there:
Maybe you were those guys who ran into us while we were having sex behind that tree. We didn't realize there was a bend in the road. Sorry about that...
that blueish shot with the trees makes me feel like i just got rained on and i don't really care that i don't have an umbrella.
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